Monday, April 5, 2010

Viking Jewelry – Antiquity with a Difference

We all know how women love to deck themselves in all kinds of ornaments, especially for parties and get-togethers. From necklaces to bracelets, there’s no stopping this highly contagious trend. And what’s making a serious comeback in this area today is a bevy of antique jewelry, especially antique bracelets. These little replications of the ancient ornaments from various nations sell like hot cakes in the market today, owing much to a growing craze for an exotic, past art form.

As I enjoy a particular affinity for all things antique and artistically valuable in the, I keep looking out for such potential intrigue beckoning pieces. The more raw and timeless the art, the more fascination I build up within me. And one particular category that had me completely by surprise was the collection of Viking jewelry that welcomed my eyes on a particular jewelry website. The craftsmanship, to say the least, was highly brilliant for its time, and the price was the most tempting factor for jewelry lovers.

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